Private security companies warned against deploying guards without informing police

Kampala Metropolitan Police deputy spokesman Luke Owoyesigire

The police have warned private security companies against deploying guards without informing area police commanders.

Citing last weekend’s incident where two Gallant security company guards, Justus Nuweatuha and Oparu, were attacked and robbed of their gun, Luke Owoyesigyire, the Deputy Kampala Metropolitan Police Spokesperson said that the area police was not aware of their deployment.

Owoyesigyire explained that police got to learn that there were guards deployed in the area after an alert was sent that thugs had raided a chicken farm in Mutungo zone, Lweza parish, Wakiso district, and robbed the guards of their gun.

Private security guards are directly supervised by the police department of private security organizations and firearms, currently headed by Charles Ssebambulidde.

The police not only issue licenses for operating a private security company and possession of a firearm, but also owners of such organizations as well as civilians who own personal firearms must declare weapons to the area police commander.

But police say in some cases, security companies go ahead to deploy guards to their clients without police knowledge and only remember to involve police after an attack has happened to them.