North Kigezi diocese clergy family cautioned against killing Revival land.


RUKUNGIRI-North Kigezi Diocese clergy family has been cautioned against killing the land of Revival calling for cooperation amongst members.

This was revealed by the Archbishop of the Province of Church of Uganda Dr. Stephen Samuel Kazimba Mugalu while meeting the clergy family of North Kigezi diocese at Emmanuel Cathedral Kinyasano during his pastro visit.

Archbishop Mugalu revealed that amongst the clergy, no one should kill the grass root of revival and spirit requesting for cooperation amongst them.

He urged them to make a decision of not allowing anything that can bring divisions calling for forgiveness in case anyone did wrong to one another.

Archbishop Mugalu lmplored Christians to love each other narrating that the Covid-19 situation should be a lesson to everyone.

The Provincial Secretary of Church of Uganda Rev. Capt. William Ongeng testified that there is road map for the diocese and is aiming at guiding on how to get a new bishop.

Rev. Ongeng blamed the clergy family for bringing confusion especially during time when in need of a new Bishop asking them to focus on what God calls for them.

He therefore said that the diocese should be having a new bishop by June next year.

Speaking in the meeting, the Archdeacon of Rubirizi Archdeaconry Rev. Geoffrey Mutabazi said the diocese has never had fights in electing new bishop but presented disatistaction on how diocese is being handled calling for prayers.