MP Kaharata roots for saving to alleviate poverty as Kyakaburara farmers Sacco is launched

Hon Midius with some Kyakaburara farmer's Sacco leaders

RUKUNGIRI- It was glamour and pomp on Friday, September 13th 2024 as Kyakaburara Framer’s Savings and Credit Society Limited was officially launched.

In a colourful event held in Rugarama, Bugyera Parish Buyanja Sub County in Rukungiri district, the area Woman Member of Parliament Hon. Midius Natukunda Kaharata urged residents in the district and Ugandans at large to embrace saving culture, stressing that it is important in wealth creation.

Hon. Natukunda pointed out that there is a need for mind-set change among Ugandans if they are to develop themselves and the country at large.

The legislator added that government aims at organising Ugandans through various porgrams such as the Parish Development Model (PDM), and Emyooga Programme to promote a saving culture in the country.

“Poor saving culture has killed the economy of the country,” she said, adding that many successful people have developed through saving.

Hon. Natukunda went on to advise people to form or join SACCOs where members save money for future use as this also helps them to get support from government and other well-wishers.

However, Hon. Midius made a Ugx. 1.5 million donation to Kyakaburara Farmers’ Cooperative Saving and Credit Society Limited, which is currently in development.

Cue in………Natukunda on Saving

The chairman of Kyakaburara Farmers’ Cooperative Saving and Credit Society Limited, Onesimus Mugyenyi, explained that their SACCO has been in operation for seven years and asked the people to entrust them with their money so they can save and grow.

Mugyenyi expressed gratitude to Hon. Midius Natukunda for her outstanding contribution to their SACCO, stating that they require leaders who are able to consider their constituents.

Cue in……..Mugyenyi on Sacco

Dan Kabeho Manager Kyakaburara Farmers’ Cooperative Saving and Credit Society Limited urged members to always pay back money borrowed in time such that other people can borrow as this will help to develop their SACCO.

Kabeho advised SACCO members to mobilize more as this will help it to develop and people benefit from their SACCO.

Cue in……….Kabeho on Sacco

Kyakaburara Farmers’ Cooperative Saving and Credit Society Limited currently has 201 members and share capital of Ugx. 24M.