Universities and other tertiary Institutions set to reopen today


NEWS-Universities and other tertiary Institutions are set to reopen today for non-medical students who have spent at least four months home, following their closure by the government over covid19.

The National Council for Higher Education (NCHE) last month issued guidelines for reopening stating that all tertiary institutions should reopen in a staggered manner while prioritizing first year students.

As a result, a number of institutions have come up with reopening programs, indicating which category of students will report physically on campus today, and which group will continue studying online.

Most Universities will only receive on campus students offering science related courses while those offering arts courses will continue with the Open Distance E-learning (ODEL).

At Makerere University and Kyambogo University, they are allowing physical studies for studies offering science courses and have those in Humanities and social sciences continue with their lessons online.