Mbarara City motorcyclist clobbered, motorcycle robbed

crime scene

MBARARA- Shock and grief engulfed residents of Boma cell in Kamukuzi division Mbarara city after they found a lifeless body of a known bodaboda rider in town.

The deceased has been identified as Kamugisha Damiano alias Kazaho, 30 a boda boda rider at Mbarara regional referral hospital main gate stage.

According to Samson Kasasira Rwizi region police spokesman , the deceased’s body was found behind the fence near a garden with marks of violence on it ,blood was oozing out of both the mouth and nose.

It is suspected that the deceased was hit with a blunt object most likely a hammer which shattered his skull.

The assailants took off with his Motorcycle registration number UFJ 010U.