Kiruhura District starts taxing cow dung


NEWS– Authorities in Kiruhura District Local government have yet again pressed diary farmers in the area hard after introducing Cow dung tax.

According to the district authorities led by Charles Kiberu Nsubuga the district Chief Administrative Officer, the imposed tax was approved by the district council and aims at enabling the district in raise their revenue collections as well as enhancing local revenue. 

In his letter, the Chief Administrative Officer (CAO) directed all sub County chiefs to immediately enforce the policy since it takes immediate effect.

The newly imposed tax will see Ugx 10,000 charge on every one tonne of cow dung and Ugx 100,000 for ten tones if loaded on a single truck vehicle.

It should be known that Kiruhura District being the largest producer of cattle products in the Ankole cattle corridor and Uganda as a whole, cow dung largely available in the district.