Minister Magyezi elected EALGF Chairperson

Local Government Minister Raphael Magyezi

KAMPALA- The minister for Local Government and also the new chairperson of East African Local Governments Forum (EALGF), Hon Raphael Magyezi has pledged in his tenure to first track other pillars, the EAC integration Agenda in order to move to full confederation.

Minister Magyezi made these remarks during the closer of the East African Local Government Forum (EALGF) meeting held at Speke Resort Convention Centre, Munyonyo.

The forum brought together regional leaders from eight member countries to reflect on policies and address challenges hindering the growth of local governments, under the theme “Promoting Inclusivity and Effective Participation of Sub-national Governments and Communities in the EAC Integration Agenda”.

Magyezi says the forum revealed the high levels of poverty limit people’s ability to mitigate climate and other shocks or recover from the burgers of drought, floods, famine and disease, making the EAC agenda more necessary.

The theme resonates with the events at the EAC restructure its organs and yet make itself more relevant. Over the last four days, I’ve witnessed determination on all our faces to change the status quo and make sub national governments count at the EAC. Raphael Magyezi Said.

“We have spent here a very exciting four days that marked a new beginning for the first time; we delved deep into the history of our formation, examined our journey since inception, and reviewed the results to date. We interrogated our mode of operation, particularly our role and relevance in the East Africa community, whose existence motivated our creation, we noted that despite our being strong constituents of East Africa community”.

Meanwhile, Magyezi adds that the forum decided to work together to strengthen both EACLG and EALGA, to embark on an aggressive teaching and adoption of kiswahili as a unifying medium and the language of the EAC integration, and create and institutionalized in country platforms between EAC members among others.