RUKUNGIRI! Caretaker Bishop Tugume warns priests against embezzling church funds


Church leaders have been called to be exemplary on matters of transparency and accountability discipline.

The call was made yesterday Sunday 1st January 2023 by the North Kigezi Diocesan Caretaker Bishop Patrick Tugume Tusingweire during the thanksgiving of Mr. Geofrey Kyomukama the LC5 chairperson Rukungiri towards the expansion of Rumbugu Church of Uganda in Kebisoni town council.

Preaching during the function, Bishop Tugume disclosed that some churches are facing accountability failures because some funds are being embezzled by priests yet they were called by God to serve His people.

However, Bishop Tugume encouraged them to desist from such evil acts but rather serve people based on their call by God.

Speaking to the congregation, Hon. Midius Natukunda Kaharata the Rukungiri district Woman Member of Parliament who was the Chief Guest representing Minister Jim Muhwezi urged youth to always support Church projects as this will help to inherit what their grandparents and parents did towards the legacy and foundation of the church.

Hon. Natukunda advised Ugandans to form various developmental groups in order to benefit from the government programs as this will help them to improve their household income.

Addressing people on his thanksgiving, Kyomukama Geofrey revealed that as Christians of Rumbugu Church of Uganda, they came up with an idea of expanding the church since the population has grown up hence him and his family decided to hold a fundraising to raise some money for the cause.

Kyomukama used the occasion to extend his warmest appreciation to the people of Rukungiri for their support rendered during 2021 general elections and urged them to continue praying for his team for divine leadership.

 Among those attending the function includes Deputy RDC Rukungiri Mr. Ahimbisibwe Wilberforce Ongom, district and Sub County Councilors among others and over Ugx.16M was raised.