Police in Rukungiri have kicked off investigations surrounding the death of a 26 years old man .
Elias Twesigye has been a resident of Kajumera cell Katonya parish Nyakishenyi sub county Rukungiri district, he was allegedly stabbed with a panga by Augustine Turyahebwa Alias Turyatunga 20 years of Rwangura cell Katonya parish Nyakishenyi sub county Rukungiri district.
ASP Elly Maate kigezi regional police spokesperson confirmed the incident to journalists noting that It’s alleged that on Wednesday this week,at about 11:00pm in Omukarere trading center Nyakishenyi, the decease together with a friend one Julius Mukene entered into the bar of the accused possessing pangas while were from work.
It’s further said that upon entering, they ordered for a glass of waragi, then were asked to first hand in their pangas by bar owner before are served any drink .
At a later time when they asked for their pangas to leave, the bar owner refused to give them back.Julius Mukene himself left the bar mean while the deceased remained in the bar demanding his panga.
According to Police statement it said that at around midnight, one Byamukama Bosco the biological father of Augustine Turyahebwa while in bed heard a big bang on his door and the voice was of his son Augustine calling him telling him that he had just killed Twesigye the son of Kareho in his own bar at Omukarere trading center.
Police of Nyakishenyi was notified by one Jackline Twebaze, scene was visited and examined,postmortem done and suspect was arrested as Inquiries continue.