Police tip citizens on safety measures against lightning threats


NEWS-The Uganda police Force have urged the public to take lightning threats seriously during the rainy season.

This follows the lightning strike in Paluda Refugee Settlement camp in Lamwo district that left 14 people dead and 34 injured.

Rusoke Kituuma the police spokesperson advised the public to take the following safety measures if they are to protect themselves from dangers of lightning.

1. Seeking Shelter Immediately: At the first sign of thunder or lightning, seek shelter in a fully enclosed building. Avoid structures that are not fully enclosed, such as pavilions or tents, which do not provide adequate protection.

2. Staying Indoors: Once inside, remain there until the storm has passed.

3. Avoiding Open Areas: If caught outside without shelter, avoid open spaces and stay away from tall objects like trees, utility poles, and fences, as lightning tends to strike the tallest points.

4. If you are on a boat and a storm approaches, return to shore immediately. Avoid Water Activities. Stay away from swimming pools, lakes, and beaches during thunderstorms since water is an excellent conductor of electricity.

5. Staying Away from Metal Objects: Avoid carrying metal items which can increase your risk of being struck.