Candidates Cautioned Against Exam malpractice                   


NEWS-Uganda National Examinations Board [UNEB ]has cautioned senior 4 candidates against cheating in examinations has they prepare to sit for their final examinations UCE Exams.

In a press statement released today UNEB secretary Dan Odongo warns that any candidate caught cheating exams will be dealt with according to the UNEB ACT which will be implemented.

Senior 4 candidates are set to start  with a briefing tomorrow Friday14 October before they officially begin their papers on Monday 17/10/2022

UNEB secretary Dan Odongo said that these candidates will start doing exams on Monday with Mathematics paper 1in the morning and paper 2 in the afternoon

According to UNEB a total of 349,445 candidates were registered and are expected to sit the examination 3703 examination centers. out of these 175,923[50.3%] are male while 173,522 [49.7%] are female

UNEB secretary noted that 51 candidates who are inmates in Luzira prison will sit for the examinations from prison.