OPINION– His Excellency Yoweri Kaguta Museveni the president of the Republic of Uganda broke the world record by taking over the presidency with the youngest generation of cadres who were mainly fresh graduates, students from university, young boys and girls who chose to join the liberation struggle.
Those who had completed studies were given big positions in the army and civil service. Most senior Positions especially ministries were given to senior cadre to keep the public motivated, Ugandans still believed that Youths are the future leaders. Young cadres who wanted to pursue higher education were supported to go back to school especially the so called Kadogos.
Today, Kadogos who went back and completed education some of them have attained PhDs and holding big offices in Uganda governmnt, NGOs and international organizations like UN, African Union, Common Wealth and others while others serving as Defence attachees in Ugandan Embassies. Those who studied military science are still serving in UPDF at senior level and different governmnt agencies. Uganda was full of different Youths organisations which were conflicting. President Museveni abolished and united all Ugandan Youths under one youth agency, established by National Youth Council which starts at the Village Council to the national level and well represented at each level.
As if that was not enough for the youth, he established Youth MPs’ and today youths across the country are represented by five members of parliament. Museveni went ahead and established the Youth Ministry to promote youth agenda after putting in place the National Youth Policy. During the liberation struggle Museveni tasted their capacity and knew very well how they could be assisted to contribute to the social, economical and Political development.
Some of the Youths whom he appointed as youth have performed beyond expectations for example Ruth Nankabirwa, Frank Tumwebaze, David Bahati, Evelyne Annite, Judith Nabakooba, etc and some Youths whom he has politically mentored like Nusura Tiperu are Political sharp shooters. Youths are very active, aggressively and not good at waiting for future things for a long time. President Museveni always chooses the most composed person to head the Ministry of Youth because when not guided and contained well, they can be like misfired bullets. The youths want a minister ready to to listen to their endless demands and aggreviences as well as giving them daily hope.
Hon. Sarah Mateke Nyirabashitsi who was appointed as the Minister of State for Children and Youth Affairs could be the best choice for the position since it was established. This is based on her early life and growing successfully from all stages of life where she participated in many Youths activities. She was produced by a combination of a mother who is a professional teacher and and a father who was an academician and turned into one of the most African polished and seasoned Politician who has been ranked one of the few African politicians who have served for a long time through different regimes.
Sarah could be an African Hillary Clinton in waiting because they share a lot in common especially their parents put in their daughters almost the same when it comes to parenting and skills development. All their early life was rooted in the church foundation and politics started in their homes. All are very compassionate with big and compassionate hearts willing and yawning to change lives of the most disadvantaged people on this planet earth.
The difference is, Hillary was born in a developed country which gave her big advantage over other less developed countries and exposed her to international issues at the earliest age. Sarah was born in richer family compared to Hillary Clinton which gave her an advantage to get exposed to execute and lead a diplomatic life at the earliest age. Hillary parents operated a small business and the father was less educated not like Sarah whose parents were professionals. Her father got a PhD at his earliest age giving him a variety of opportunities and choices.
These two women share a lot in common from the time of birth and I strongly believe Sarah may take over Africa as Hillary took over United States of America. Hillary was US First Lady, Secretary of the State, USA Presidential candidate who caused commotion almost becoming the first US woman president. She ratet as one of most powerful women in the world especially on human rights, children and women issues starting from her early age at school. She is a professional lawyer from Yale Law School who shaped globally domestic legislation.
She is among the founders of Defense for Children International, an international NGO which has been advocating for children rights across the globe. Hillary has some African ingredients and from birth she has been guided by the Africans proverb from Masai tribe of Kenya “What you Don’t Learn from your Mother, You Learn it from the World”. In her successful life, she carried her father’s Political beliefs and her mother’s dreams. Her father Hug Rodham after returning from the Second World War, started business and her mother Dorothy Howell Rodham was a house wife and a Sunday school teacher and youth group.
Hillary found the university of life in her church, the First Methodist Church where she learnt the needs of others and a sense of responsibility rooted in the her faith. She became more famous to ordinary citizens world over when she made one of the most powerful speeches in the world at Women conference in China which marked the significant turning point for the gender equality.
On 5th September 1995 Hillary Rodham Clinton was invited to give a key note address at the United Nations Fourth World Conference on Women in Beijing China. Hillary speech focused on issues mostly affecting African women and African women were in big attendance led by African powerful women including the Ugandan powerful woman who was holding a high Political Position, Dr. Specioza Wandera Kazibwe. She was the Vice President of Uganda and among the most respected delegates from Africa.
As if UN was whispered about African content in Hillary’s speech, UN appointed an African to head the conference. The Secretary General of the United Nations Women conference was Mrs. Gertrude Ibengwe Mongella Makanza from The Democratic Republic of Tanzania. The twenty minute speech which was published in most public speaking books globally and used in speech writing and public speaking, in Hillary’s concluding remarks, she made all women delegates in the conference hall shade tears when she used a sad tone highliting most touching issues affecting women especially Africans and Asians.
In her conclusion remarks Hillary said; As long as discrimination and enequities remain so commonplace around the world – as long as girl’s and women are valued less, fed last, overworked, unpaid, not schooled and subjected to violence in and out of their homes – the potential of the human family to create a peaceful, prosperous world will not be realised. Her speech changed women story around the world and Uganda is one of the biggest beneficiaries. Ugandan women are well placed in government high Positions and highly paid. President Museveni is so compassionate about women affairs and has given most top Positions to women including Prime Minister, Deputy Prime Minister, Vice President, Deputy Speaker, IGG and are cabinet and State other heading governmnt prestigious agencies. Uganda is ahead of many countries in the world to place women in high and sensitive Positions.
Hillary’s speech is still sounding to many ears even today and any global meeting of women refer to her speech for reflection. She also a wrote a life changing book “The Living History” published by Headline Book Publishing and sold all over the world. It is a hand book for every woman wishing to climb Leadership and Political ladders. Even her book blurb is so motivating.
Hon. Sarah Mateke Nyirabashitsi is a formidable Political figure in Kigezi and Uganda who was appointed by the president to occupy the position where she is best qualified based on her family background and youth initiatives. She is Born from Kisoro by Hon. Dr. Phelimon Mateke and Mrs. Joy Rwanfizi Mateke. The father is a seasoned Politician while the mother is a professional Teacher. Her grandfather Rev. Rwanfizi is among priests who rooted evangelism in Kigezi, who got the spark of the revival movement and participated in Nyabingi revolution, burning endaro (shrines) in Kigezi the model which later most parts in Uganda, Rwanda, Burundi and Congo adopted while chasing spirits and demons.
Her father Dr Mateke who is among few Africans to get a PhD, used his education to transform Kigezi, Uganda and beyond. After his education, the whole world wanted him. He lectured in overseas universities, Makerere university and later joined Politics at the earliest age. He worked for Kigezi and transformed it thorough education by establishing many schools and colleges. He also supported them with scholastic materials and guided them on management and career guidance.
Dr. Mateke has not be equalled in Kigezi when it comes to education support. He has been in active Politics for more than forty years. He served 3 times as a minister and at his old age, requested the president to retire him early and enable him enjoy his sweat. President Museveni could not find the best replacement for Mateke and his daughter Sarah emerged the best.
Hon. Sarah Mateke who is now the Minister of State for Children and Youth Affairs started youths ministry in her early years. She is well mentored in politics leadership. She started her career at the local Council working with the District where she learnt a lot especially issues to do with youth and children. When it comes to do with children and youth challenges, she is a master. She doesn’t read them in books because she has supported youth and children in most need. Michingo Village, the world headquarters of suffering is in her home District and she has supported these vulnerables many times.
It is a village where you find homeless children and youth living in a sorry state. By all standards, Sarah was born in a well to do family and she would have chosen to stay in USA, UK or any country on this planet but she chose to stay with her parents in Uganda where she has learnt a lot especially in handling people in the most need, Politics and leadership. Her mother Joy, is always joyful like her name and has wiped tears of many people even in the absence of the husband.
Mateke has always been busy with State duties, Sarah stood in his Position in Kisoro by helping those who needed help from the father which exposed her to helping people even when resources are not enough. When Bafumbira were asked the best choice for the ministry Position for Kisoro, still Sarah emerged the best. She has been very instrumental in Kisoro District development. She is well educated, young, dynamic, charismatic and intelligent whom one can refer as a complete woman with most leadership qualities.
She surprised many people by establishing a fully fledged university in Kisoro District in her early age. She is the brain behind Metropolitan University where she has been offering nationwide scholarships. At Metropolitan university, she has Kigezi and national scholarships which are offered annually. Education and youth empowerment has been at her heart, and being given the opportunity to lead their Ministry, youth in Uganda are going to shine through her youth initiatives where she is very passionate.Her university may be of big help to the president Museveni to enhance education in Kisoro district.
As Kisoro waits for it’s University, leaders may utilize the available opportunity and grab State House scholarships for Kisoro students through Metropolitan university. The current University students ready for admission may not wait for the university which is still on paper. This is the right time to use the available opportunity as they wait for the construction of the university. As Hillary Clinton, Sarah is carrying her father’s Political beliefs and her mother’s dreams to change lives of the most need using different skills and interventions.
She was in the 9th parliament and now back to the the 11th Parliament. She is exposed to Politics with experience in rural urban youth issues. As the world renowned academician of the time said, a complete human being is shaped by parents, people met in life and books read. Sarah had an advantage of a well stocked library of his father which she has utilized. Dr. Mateke is one few Ugandans with a home reach library and who actively reads them. Sarah has been exposed to people of different categories and mentored by her mother who shaped the Mothers Union in Uganda.
The fact that she started a powerful university at her young age, she is not a joking subject when it comes to handling big issues.
Uganda youth have got the best choice of minister who is a good listener and very compassionate about their issues. Since are very organized she will drive them to the right direction through their institutions. Her team of ministers in the Ministry of Gender Labor and Social Development will guide her as she implements National Youth Policy which will give insight. She will also consult other legal instruments geared to improving the Youth. She will also need to work in partnership with youth institutions like National Your Council, the strongest Voice for the youth in Uganda and other development agencies. Youths are well represented in parliament and their voice is very loud and respected.
There are fives MPs representing Youth in parliament from the four regions. Western Uganda is represented by Edison Rugumayo, Nothern Uganda by Boniface Henry Okot, Eastern Uganda by Benerd Odoi Mutusa and Central Uganda by Agness Kirabo. The National Female Youth MP is Nyamutoroo Phiona which forms a one youth formidable team.
Youth issues are scattered to different Ministries for example youth in schools are under Ministry of Education and Sports, adolescent health issues are handled by the ministry of health while financial issues are handled by the Ministry of Finance and State House. The governmnt policy on decentralization transferred most Youth services to local government authorities but the youth policy is comprehensive to guide and other relavant policies and Acts.
Religious institutions and different denominations carry out a number of youth activities as major stakeholders. There are also regional and international youth agencies which influence Youths activities by strong advocacy like; UN Inter – Agency on Youth Development, Economic and Social Council Youth Forum, Youth 2030: The UN Youth Strategy, International Youth Council, Eastern Africa Youth Network and many governmnt and civil society agencies.
Hon. Sarah Mateke is set to work with Districts, related ministries, the civil society, all agencies and stakeholders to help Uganda Youth realized their dreams. It may not be a simple task but based on her past experience, she is the best choice since the Ministery was established. The ministry is her springboard to start a long journey like Hillary Rodham Clinton and Nelson Mandela some of the leaders who shaped the world.
Robert Tumwesigye Kigezi Research Desktumrobs785@gmail.com+256 772509393 /+256 700520339