Woman arrested for killing Co wife in Rwampara

police on murder scene

NEWS– The police at Mwizi Police Station in Rwampara district have a woman in their custody for allegedly murdering her co wife.

Leticia Nabawanuka was arrested by police officers at Mwizi Police Station with assistance from a canine in connection with the murder of Nyakwezi Grace in Rwampara District. 

It is said that on 4th  November 2024, children discovered a woman’s body in a banana plantation the incident that prompted police to intervene. 

According to police, the scene revealed significant evidence including a pool of blood and signs of dragging. 

A sniffer dog Hector led the officers to a locked house belonging to the deceased’s co-wife.

 Leticia confessed upon arrest, and blood-stained clothing was found in the house she was arrested from. 

 Police emphasized the importance of preserving crime scenes for effective investigations.