RUKUNGIRI: North Kigezi Diocesan Bishop ends Bwambara Pastoral Visit


NEWS-Bishop Onesimus Asiimwe of the North Kigezi Diocese has said that the empowerment of women shouldn’t come at the expense of males by being continuously disregarded.

According to Bishop Onesimus, the present trends show that efforts in several schemes to empower girls have led to a disregard of the mental development of boys.

The measures employed to foster girl child empowerment, he continued, must be carefully handled or society would face serious problems in the future.

The revelation was delivered by Bishop Onesimus Asiimwe on Sunday, August 20, 2023 as he was wrapping up his first pastoral visit to the Bwambara Archdeaconry in the Bwambara Sub County Rukungiri district.

Speaking to Christians at the Bwambara Church of Uganda, Bishop Onesimus urged the government, parents, and other stakeholders to prioritize promoting the education of boys together with girls if they want the nation to advance at the same rate.

Bishop Onesimus confirmed more than 1,000 Christians during his pastoral tour to the Bwambara Archdeaconry.

He advised males to participate in church activities like choirs because doing so will bring them closer to God and prevent them from just leaving church to women.

Venerable Can Bazahuza George, the Archdeacon for the Bwambara Archdeaconry, related how the Bishop lectured on church growth and used coffee farming as an example while pledging to use the church’s 65 acres to bring development.