Rukungiri Municipality legislator consoles area hailstorm victims

Dr. Elisa Rutahigwa Mp Rukungiri municipality

RUKUNGIRI-The Rukungiri Municipality area legislator Hon. Dr. Elisa Rutahigwa has consoled people of his area whose gardens were destroyed by hailstorm.

Heavy rains characterized by hailstorms that ravaged most parts of southern division in Rukungiri municipality on last week Thursday 9th September 2021 left residents yawning for what to feed their families as most of their crops were destructed.

The most affected villages included Nshuure, Kitazigurukwa, Kataruka, Kakonkoma, Katungu, Kibimbiri and Rwoobo village all in Southern Division Rukungiri Municipality and the most destroyed crops included cassavas, banana plantations, potatoes, cabbages, tomatoes among other food gardens.

After receiving such bad news, the area legislatorHon. Elisa Rutahigwa has on Monday 13th September 2021 visited the affected villages to assess the damage.

The legislator appealed to the village chairpersons and local leaders of affected areas to reports of the victims and their destructed crops and then present them to the district officials such that they can be forwarded to the Ministry of disasters and preparedness for help.

Rutahigwa also encouraged the hailstorm victims to re-plant quick maturing food stuffs as early as possible since it is still a rainy season.

Micheal Byarugaba, the political assistant to Hon. Rutahigwa who also doubles the secretary for production, Marketing and natural resources in the district council comforted the victims stressing that the responsible authorities are already on the way for their rescue.

Dr. Elisa Rutahigwa however encouraged people of Rukungiri Municipality to embrace government programs if they are to get out of poverty.

Hailstorm victims expressed their excitement to the area legislator for being with them during these hard and trying moments terming him as an exceptional leader.