The dilapidated Burembo Catholic Church in Kyaburere, Bugangari Parish, Bugangari Sub County, Rukungiri district has received 80 iron sheets as a donation from Hon. Maj. Gen. Jim Katugugu Muhwezi, the Member of Parliament for Rujumbura County and the security minister.
The contribution is in response to the incident of August 14, 2023, when a strong downpour caused the Burembo Catholic Church’s whole rooftop to collapse.
Following the strong downpour that destroyed the Burembo Catholic church’s roof in August of this year, people were compelled to pray inside the church which is open, according to Mrs. Lucia Kashemire, the Catchiest.
According to Lucia, when it starts to rain, the church service ends and Christians scatter to get home because there isn’t any nearby shade to seek shelter under.
The main issue, she continued, is that Christians are having a hard time coming up with the money quickly enough to roof the church. However, Mrs. Kashemire expressed gratitude to Minister Jim Muhwezi, their legislator, for considering them and providing all the iron sheets required to roof the entire church.
Minister Muhwezi was represented by Mr. Ahimbisibwe Daniel Bihamire, his political assistant in Bugangari Sub County, and this will lessen the difficulties and burdens faced over the course of more than three months.
Speaking to Christians at Burembo Catholic Church, Mr. Ahimbisibwe Daniel Bihamire who presented Minister Muhwezi said that after Christians were left stranded following strong winds blew off the roofs of their church; they contacted the minister together with stakeholders.
Since the minister is their legislator and a man who loves giving people and God, he agreed to support them, and he has finally fulfilled his pledge today, Sunday, November 5, 2023.
In addition, Mr. Ahimbisibwe urged the public to consistently vote for leaders who can better serve their needs, particularly in trying times, rather than those who are only interested in holding office for themselves.
Some of the Christians at Burembo Catholic Church, including Kamusiime Legina, Jackline Kanyarutokye, Turyasingura Elsam, and Gorreti Nyarujumbi, said the contribution is a huge comfort to their church because most services were interrupted anytime it rained.
They praised Minister Jim Muhwezi for his assistance in renovating their church and pledged to give him back in the general election come 2026.