KAMPALA- Members of parliament from the National Resistance Movement (NRM) under their parliamentary caucus have gone to state house Entebbe to meet with President Yoweri Museveni to finalize rationalization of pending government agencies like the Uganda Coffee Development Authority (UCDA) and the Dairy Development Authority (DDA).
The two agencies will revert to the Ministry of Agriculture though the merger of UCDA will be delayed for three years to allow for a smooth transition.
The meeting at the state house is following the report by the three committees of parliament on Agriculture, National Economy, and Finance that was presented to the president this week where they agreed to delay the merger for three years after a standoff between the Executive and some members of parliament especially from r central region over the proposed merger of the two entities
MPs expressed concerns over the Ministry of Agriculture’s ability to effectively manage UCDA’s mandate, particularly in maintaining the quality standards of Uganda’s coffee, which ranks as the third most valuable globally.
While leading the NRM parliamentary caucus MPs to state house Entebbe, the Government chief whip Hamson Obua said that the meeting is primarily generating the last consensus on the remaining pending bills for rationalization.
Cue in…………..Obua on NRM