Motorcyclist killed after colliding with vehicle near police station


One person  has been confirmed dead after the accident opposite All saint church near Kabale Police station along Kabale Kisoro highway.

The deceased has been identified as Akandinda Owen 22yrs a resident of Nyamago village Nyamweru sub county Rubanda district .

The incident occurred on Sunday 26th.03.2023 at about 07:50pm and  involved a motor cycle reg no.UFQ 795S ridden by Akandinda Owen and unidentified motor vehicle .

According to ASP Elly Maate kigezi region police spokesperson . the rider(deceased) was ridding at very high speed together with another motor vehicle with unidentified number plate both coming from Kisoro road side facing Kabale town and the said motor vehicle tried to squeeze the ridder on the side, in the process of the ridder giving it way, he ended up knocking the pavement and he overturned several times hitting his head on the same pavement, and he died on his way to Kabale regional referral hospital as he was being rushed by up 5512 for treatment.

Maate says the Scene was visited,Body was taken to the mortuary and Motor cycle is parked in police yard pending IOV inspection as investigations continue.