Minister Muhwezi launches Rukungiri Evangelical Development Association, donates 10 million

Kyomukama handing over Minister Muhwezi's 10 million

RUKUNGIRI- Pentecost Church pastors have been asked to work together for the development of their association (REDA) Rukungiri Evangelical Development Association so that it helps them in financial sustainability and management.

This was revealed yesterday by Rtd. Maj. Gen. Jim Muhwezi Katugugu, the security Minister and Rujumbura county Member of Parliament during the association launch at God’s Embassy Church in Bunura cell, Rwakabengo ward, southern division in Rukungiri Municipality.

Minister Jim Muhwezi noted that forming such associations aligns with the government’s development plan aimed at alleviating households from poverty hence requesting for cooperation to develop through trustworthiness and transparency.

He hailed Bishop Onesimus Asiimwe Ngoboka for starting up a skills development institution to impart practical skills in the youths stressing that such form of education is key in fighting youth unemployment as well as an easy way of self reliance and social economic development.

Hon Maj. Gen Jim Muhwezi who was represented by the District Chairman Geoffrey Kyomukama contributed 10 million shillings towards the development of Rukungiri Evangelical Development Association (REDA).


Bishop Ngoboka Onesimus Asiimwe said they will continue spreading the gospel of action and encouraged the pastors to invest more in agriculture if they want to fight poverty at their churches and families. Ngoboka hailed Minister Muhwezi for supporting them in ensuring self-sustenance among the servants of God.


Tumwebaze Charles the REDA association Chairperson said that its aimed at helping pastors change their life through educating their children and skilling them.