STRANGE!! Man hands self to police after stabbing wife’s lover to death


The police in Buyende have in custody a 28-year-old man who stabbed his wife’s lover and handed himself over to police for questioning ,

The deceased was identified as Bashir a resident of Kyoga A zone, Bukungu Town council in Buyende District.

Busoga Regional police spokesperson ASP Kasadha Micheal confirmed the incident to journalists saying that it happened yesterday 2/11/2022  in  Kyoga A zone, Bukungu Town council in Buyende District

it is alleged that at about 08:00am on 02/11/2022 Miyokulu found Bashir in his house having breakfast with his wife and stabbed him with a knife to death, before handing himself over to the police.

Reports  indicate that Miyokulu and his wife had developed marital misunderstandings, and that he had been away for work in Kampala until yesterday morning when he travelled on information that Bashir was having an affair with his wife.

On arrival, the suspect allegedly found Bashir taking tea with his wife in his house. Out of anger, Miyokulu grabbed a knife and stabbed him to death before reporting himself to Bukungu Police station. 

Police said a team of homicide detectives visited the scene, and the body has been examined, pending further investigations.