NEWS-Police in Kampala has arrested a woman on suspicion of stabbing her husband in the neck leaving him seriously injured.
It is said that the woman who is from Kamwokya also turned on a neighbor who intervened in the fight and cut her in the face.
Speaking with Journalists, Salvan Turyahabwe the victim and a resident of Church Zone Kamwokya II says his wife Allen Muhibwe attacked him on Monday 10th night in a row over food for their children.
“I asked where she was coming from that late, leaving the kids alone without food. She replied that you are their father, you also have to take care of them when I am not around,” Turyahabwe said.
He added that a few moments later after opening the house for his wife, she grabbed a knife and stabbed him in the neck several times.
Jalia Nafuga, a neighbor who intervened in the matter was also cut in the face by Turyahabwe’s wife after she was accused of involving herself in the family matter.
Nafuga told our reporter that she heard them fighting and went in their house to help and that is when then woman stabbed her in the face
Other neighbors said that it was not the first time Turyahabwe and wife have fought.
According to Nafuga’s mother Jennifer Namwanje, who is taking care of Nafuga in hospital, for a while now, Allen has been saying that she would harm her daughter.
The Kampala Metropolitan Deputy Police Spokesperson Luke Owoyesigire, said that they arrested Muhire Allen and they are still investigating.